
older posts from my main blog

June 13, 2006 | 1 Minute Read

here are some of the posts that are on my main blog that are photography-related:

The AnandTech guide to better photos

here is a photo of my desktop

New camera and my exchange box is back!

Photos of my cameras

Nikon Coolpix P1 and P2 wifi enabled cameras

Rasterbation now with .NET!

DIY bottle cap tripod

I got me a new camera, and other stuff

mad looking 3d chalk drawings

Build your own light tent

automaticly resizing images using C#

Adobe explains why no CS2 Universal binary

Whats the difference between a $300 lens and a $2000 lens..

Why Microsoft employees should own a Mac

probably the coolest-looking camera EVER!

RAW image formats: Which one?

tips on how to use Flickr and your camera phone

Aperture 1.1 released and price drop too

HDR photography

LightBox JS 2.0

Bibble pro: professional photo manipulation software

scanR: convert photos of whiteboards and documents to searchable PDF files

build your own Light tent [part 2]

PhotoShop HowTo: Creating Sin City Type Photos

Pro Event Preperation, photographer style