
Apples Photokina event started

September 25, 2006 | 0 Minute Read

TUAW (the unofficial apple weblog) has some coverage of the Apple Photkia event. Aperture 1.5 released, more info coming… [update] Well, more info about 1.5 is out, but we won’t get our hands on it till “Later in the week#8221; when ever that will be. Also, of note, Aperture will now work on a Mac Mini and a MacBook. This is interesting, because originally you needed a minimum of a iMac because of the graphics card. Now, pretty much anything will run Aperture! One issue: I have just ordered my Mac Pro with a gig of RAM, but the minimum RAM for a Mac Pro is now set at 2Gb! I will need to get the extra ram for it sooner rather than later.
